Pinetone•Zine is accepting submissions for Issue #1!
What's in it for you? Great question!
PUBLICATION!Your work will appear in both print and digital format. Actual human beings are going to admire your talent!
MAKE SOME $$s!We PAY our contributors actual, real-life money!! Plus you'll get a free copy of the zine your work was printed in, which is super cool ... but did we mention the $$?
STREET CRED!You'll get to say you've been published in a REAL magazine. It's printed on shiny paper and even has an official ISSN (that's how you know it's REAL.)
How it works:
Please read our submission guidelines carefully.
We're pretty chill in the zine-zone, but if you don't follow directions, we probably won't print your stuff.
- We accept submissions from creative folks of all ages!
- Artists must reside in Manitoba or Saskatchewan (Canada). Preference will be given to artists residing in northern and rural areas.
- Artwork can be made in any physical medium, including (but not limited to) drawing, painting, pottery, photography, and textiles.
- All artwork submissions must include the artist's name, home base (city), medium, and title of the work (don't worry, this stuff's all on the form)
- Don't bury our team in a slush pile! Please only submit one piece of artwork per submission call.
- We prefer submissions that fit in a 1:1 or 2:3 ratio. That's what fits best on our page layouts. If your artwork doesn't fit, it may be cropped.
- You must provide a clear scan or a well-lit photograph of your artwork.
- Artwork must be sent as a .jpg or .png image (preferably at 300dpi)
- DO NOT send us your original artwork. Seriously. Don't do it!!
What we WANT:
What we DON'T want:
How it works:
Please read our submission guidelines carefully.
We're pretty chill in the zine-zone, but if you don't follow directions, we probably won't print your stuff.
- We accept submissions from creative folks of all ages!
- Artists must reside in Manitoba or Saskatchewan (Canada). Preference will be given to artists residing in northern and rural areas.
- We accept flash fiction and articles (500 words or less) and poetry (150 words or less) submissions.
- All submissions must include the author's name, home base (city), and title of the work (don't worry, this stuff's all on the form)
- Don't bury our team in a slush pile! Please only submit one piece of writing per submission call.
- Please be sure to double-check your word count! If your writing is too long, we won't choose it.
- We don't offer editing services. Please check your spelling and grammar closely before submitting your writing.
- Your text must be sent to us through our online submission form. Copy and paste your text into the provided area on the form.
- DO NOT send us physical copies of your work. Seriously. Don't do it!!
What we WANT:
What we DON'T want: